Sunday, December 11, 2011

Documents Required for applying For Canadian Visit Visa

                                                               i.      Your National Tax No. Certificate.
                                                              ii.      Your income tax returns showing your income tax affairs for the last five years. Assume, you are filing your tax returns for last 20 years. Then attach your first two or three returns and then last five returns to show that your financial routs in Pakistan. However, one could justify the difference in results in financial statements and income tax return by saying that you have took the benefit of Universal Self Assessment Scheme.
                                                            iii.      If you are registered with sales tax, copies of sales tax returns may also be provided for previous six months.
                                                            iv.      If you are doing business with a multinational company or other large company, please provide a certificate from that company regarding your clientage with the said company.
                                                             v.      If you have got your brand name registered with the Intellectual Property Organization Pakistan please provide necessary evidence to this effect.
                                                            vi.      If you are registered with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, please provide necessary certificate to this effect.
                                                          vii.      If you are maintaining an account with Stock Exchange Broker, a certificate or statement showing sale/purchase of shares may also be attached.
                                                         viii.      If you are maintaining a luxury vehcile, provide evidence registration book etc. With the application.
                                                             ix.      Provide detail of your properties in Pakistan.

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